inner voice

Child Labour


In our home, and in our neighbour,
There is a society called child labour,
Carry heavy weights in a single call,
With their hands and shoulders which are small,
Their feet dug deep in the rotten waste,
In search of something like food to taste,
Owners pays less, so have less worries,
They work in houses and in factories,
Just saw a child working in a factory of wood,
Only at the cost of some money and his childhood,
Earning less when compared to energy he use,
His sister is also working at risk of getting abuse,
Reading about them, stops our breadth,
They work in an environment leads to death,
We should save them or bury them in graves,
To protect them from becoming slaves,
To our society, what we are giving ?
They survive in intolerable standard of living,
Cases against their owners hidden under a fold,
Can’t we teach them, their hands can’t we hold?
Digvijay Singh

Missing Grandparents

I miss my grandparents a lot
I miss my grandparents a lot
I had less time
Which I don’t think was fine
I guess I wasn’t that lucky
I wanted to turn their gloom to happy
Their dark to light, it was just to make them feel that pride
I miss my grandparents a lot
Although I have less memories to survive
But just so I strive for more I must have the ride
I miss my grandparents a lot
I lost them early
I guess I wasn’t that lucky
But I ought to survive with what I have
Maybe in stars they are happy
Maybe they are proud
But I still am lingering for their presence because absence is not gonna help
I miss my grandparents a lot
Manya Sharma

Exam Anxiety!

Although, prepares whole day and night,
Negative thoughts revolves in our mind.
Fear of loss,always stresses alot,
Seems everything going to end along.
We take pressure more and more,
Outcome of this turns into bad score.
Exam sounds as a threat,
Making us feel stress.
Whatever we believe about ourselves,
Our ability comes true of that.
So keep moving, keep fighting,
One win at a time.
But don’t give up at any cost,
Atlast stay positive and work hard…
Bhumika Lakhotra
SP Smart School, Sarore