inner voice

Flying Solo

Here goes the poem
The pack was it, all that he belonged,
Chilling, with a scintillating grip of the right,
Exactly what, for they all longed,
Within the undived corners of the hearts fright,
There stood the way across the plains,
Falling to the trenches, he agonised by the packs’ might.
Broken, but was never to be agreed,
As, the strengths rose from the ends.
That knew, not fail to succeed.
Perhaps, the glorious tales from immemorial amends,
The feary atrocity of losing the self,
And get back on, of my drowning friends’
Solo he stood, for the peaks were lone.
Strength within, and sturdy the cracks,
To the world of skill, he was soon to be known.
The peaks weren’t for the packs,
was the lesson he learnt,
For the skies to be conquered
Weren’t for the souls that were hollow
Indeed for those,
who dared to fly solo
Hitesh Sharma
GCET Jammu


Life and its Connection

We know what we become, sometimes good and sometimes bad.
There can be few shades of grey as well.
On the earth I can see both heaven and hell.
There is existence of both positive as well negative vibes.
And if I am good and gracious enough we won’t make any sarcastic jibes.
The truth of the matter is we have the Almighty’s belief.
When things are tough, he gives us sense of relief.
All the good things that come have no hard fast rule.
When good things arrive we take them as a student who is going to school.
It is therefore good that we are beware and be aware.
Then bad things will not give us a stare.
Sahildeep Singh Raina
Cluster University of Jammu