Indo Japanese bonhomie

The budding and booming relationship between India and Japan is pronounced by the Western Media as the one to  tame the flames of dragon as well as to snip it’s wings of ambition. The dragon, China, would ostensibly despise the knots of friendship between it’s geographically extreme neighbours, one is to it’s left and other to it’s right and why not, both of them are closer, morally, principally and economically, with it’s arch nemesis, USA, China has  always advocated it’s supremacy in the Asian policies, which majority Asian countries apparently do not endorse. The contentious and mysterious case of South China  Sea, multitudes of nations acceding it’s predominance over it. USA, Japan, India, Phillipines, Vietnam being on one side and China at loggerheads with them. China has already escalated it’s military operations in the South China Sea coupled with the construction of vexed artificial islands. China being in docile Japan needed to buck-up to safeguard it’s interest. Japan made amendments in it’s Constitution, first time, post unsavour World War II, to step up it’s military endeavours. In addition, it emphatically got involved in ‘MALABAR’, military alliance with USA and India.
The ‘bonhomie’ between India and Japan is a cult in itself, with both accruing double edges. First, is resurrection in it’s economy and secondly to heist the influence of China in Asian and World policies into it’s kitty. Under the aegis of USA, both of them would catalyse each other’s development and definately plummet the Chinese leadership. Well the verbal talks done, handshakes done, selfie ticked, pacts scribbled, wait for the fructification of the efforts see where it guides the world, in perpetuity.
Yours etc…
Divya Sharma
Canal Road, Jammu


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