India’s flagship housing project in Sri Lanka almost complete, says High Commission

COLOMBO : India’s flagship housing project in Sri lanka which aims to build 50,000 houses in the Mannar region on a full grant basis is almost complete, informed the Indian High Commission here.
The project envisages construction of 144 transit housing units in Mannar region under an Indian grant assistance of SLR 300 Million.
The Government of India has been involved in housing projects across Srli Lanka, deepening India-Sri Lanka cooperation in livelihood development.
Apart from the buuilding 50000 houses in the Mannar region, another agreement for construction of an additional 10,000 houses in the plantation areas at an outlay of SLR 11 billion on a grant basis was signed in August 2018.
In addition to this close to 3,000 houses are being built by India under the model villages housing programme in all districts of Sri Lanka.
This means that India building a total 63,000 houses in Sri Lanka. (AGENCIES)