NEW DELHI: Amid reports that Hafiz Sayeed headed Jamat-Ud-Dawa (JuD) had increased its activities near the Indo-Pak border, India has stepped up its intelligence and security in these areas. Interacting with the media here today, Director General, Border Security Force (BSF) K K Sharma said the Force was ready to counter any kind of infiltration from any terrorist outfit.
He said additional force had been deployed in Punjab and Jammu region( four battalions in Punjab and two extra battalions in Jammu) and several ultra high tech gadgets were being used for surveillance in the border area.
Replying to a specific question on the reports of Hafiz Sayeed being just 8-10 kms away from Wagah border and trying to disrupt peace in J&K, Mr Sharma said BSF was on high alert on all the border areas in its jurisdiction. (AGENCIES)