Independent candidate seeks votes for safeguarding interests of locals

Dilip Kumar Pandita talking to media persons on Thursday.
Dilip Kumar Pandita talking to media persons on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 23: Dilip Kumar Pandita, independent candidate for the Anantnag-Rajouri Parliamentary constituency, today appealed people to vote for him for effectively taking up local issues and getting the same addressed.
Talking to media persons today he listed the issue of reunion of Kashmiris by engaging serious intra community dialogue through civil society, employment to youth, safeguarding jobs and land for locals on top of his agenda.
He stressed that jobs in J&K should be reserved for the state subjects of Jammu Kashmir and land be protected from sale to any non-state subject of J&K.
“I will also work to address the growing unemployment problem and the need of serious engagement of the Government of India to maintain peace, develop confidence among youth in our border state of J&K by taking every possible step as to their employment under special package,” he said.
While elaborating, Mr Pandita proposed special attention from the Centre to J&K for providing a general reservation of five percent, irrespective of caste, reed, religion and region for local youth in professional institutions, universities and in the private establishment.
He also demanded liberal special Industrial policy for J&K and entrusting power of governance to people through local Boards so that urban-rural discrimination may come to an end.
Urging people to cast their valuable vote in his favour, Pandita reiterated his commitment for seeking justice for the commoners, who are suffering because of joblessness, income inequalities and violence. “Terrorism has taken a heavy toll on the lives of innocent people and I will fight for getting justice to the victims of violence,” he added and hoped that people would support him in fight against the vested interests who have robbed J&K repeatedly.