JAMMU: The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh today took on spot review of the arrangements being made for the visit of the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi to J&K for the inauguration of the prestigious Chenani-Nashri Tunnel.
The Dy CM visited Bhattal Ballian, Udhampur, where the Prime Minister is scheduled to address a public meeting after inaugurating the tunnel.
He was accompanied by the MP, Mr Jugal Kishore Sharma, Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Pawan Kotwal, Legislator, Mr Sat Sharma, Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur Niraj Kumar and other senior officers of the civil and police administration.
Dr Singh called for putting in place foolproof mechanism vis-a–vis security and other related measures, so that the people attending the Prime Minister’s public meeting do not face any inconvenience. He said the security agencies and other concerned departments should work in close coordination.
Dr Singh reviewed the facilities at the venue and at the helipad.
Earlier, the Deputy Chief Minister had a detailed meeting with the district administration regarding the arrangements put in place for the inauguration of the tunnel.
He said it was due to the sustained efforts of the state and the central government that this prestigious project is being dedicated to the people, which is a first of its kind in the region.