Implement 7th Pay Commission recommendations

Notwithstanding the fact that the Central Government has implemented the 7th Pay Commission recommendations two years ago i.e w.e.f January 1, 2016 in favour of the Central Government employees, pensioners and family pensioners which is a welcome step but it is very strange and surprising that the J&K State Government has not implemented the 7th Pay Commission Recommendations in J&K State  as yet who also deserve the same. Instead of this the State Government doubled the salaries and the allowances of the Legislators- MLA(s) and MLC(s) from Rs.80,000 to 1,60,000 per month, made massive hike in the salary of the chief  minister, ministers and ministers of State, doubled the pension of the former Legislators from Rs.28,000 to 50,000 per month, hiked the motor car advance, housing loan and travelling allowance and daily allowance of the legislators by 100% and as such ignored the J&K State Government employees.
It is worthwhile to mention it here that it was none other than the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti herself who in the floor of the J&K Legislative Assembly told that the employees would have to wait for two years for the Implementation of the 7th Pay Commission Recommendations. Here arises a million dollor question as to why she herself alongwith the ministers and the legislators could not wait for two years being a representative of the common masses? Now two years have lapsed and the employees/pensioners and Family Pensioners etc have shown so much patience till now.
Therefore, it is fervently requested to the Chief Minister/Finance Minister J&K State Government to kindly implement the 7th Pay Commission Recommendations in toto/at par with the Central Government employees.
Hope, for an early positive action in the interest of natural justice.
Yours  etc….
Ashok K. Koul (Lalpuri)
Member All J&K Teacher’s/Lecturer’s Forum C/o 45, Ajeet Colony, Extn. Gole Gujral J&K, Jammu.