I would like to the new recruitment policy is anti-youth in every respect and is bound to breed corruption, nepotism and bossism. It will dash to ground the hopes of the youth of the State who after years of hard work and education want to get job to earn bread and serve the State and the country. Selecting people for various gazzetted and non gazzetted jobs is not a simple task to be left to District administration. The bodies like SSB and PSE are there to recruit the best suited candidates for various posts in an honest manner keeping merit of the  candidates in view. Recruitment through specialized agencies gets delayed sometimes because of various reasons including pending litigations. To think and argue that recruitment at district level will fasten the process of recruitment and will end delay is not based on reality. This will further worsen the situation and will lead to unnecessary political and judicial interference thus defeating the very purpose  of bringing in new policy.
Yours etc…
Vijay Kumar and
Subash Kmar


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