Humanity lost

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated as said by our Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi. All creation belongs to God, mistreating any part of creation shows disrespect to God. All animals deserve respect. In the same way, that you respect and care for your friends, your parents and your family, you need to do the same for animals. Animals do feel like us, also joy, love, fear and pain but they cannot grasp the spoken word. India is a country of peace and Non violence, where personalities like Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi were born. They too advocated for the rights of animals and taught us the lesson of non violence and kindness towards animals but now a days the teachings of Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi is at vanishing stage.
The inhuman activities  like poisoning of eight puppies  by women in Bangalore, three puppies burnt alive by boys in Hyderbad, throwing of puppy from building by Medical students are the examples of humanity at her last stage.
Animals have a great role in humans life. Our generation have to consider them as their friends rather than just four legged animals. Animals rights and animal education should be prescribed in curriculum at all levels of education. There cannot be a perfect civilization until human beings realize that the rights of every living creature are as sacred as his own.
Yours etc…
Vishal Khajuria


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