Human trafficking

Unfortunately, some people are not so lucky to live their own life and expect freedom. In human trafficking not only women are involved but men as well as children are kidnapped  for cheap labour , organ trafficking and many other ways to earn bucks . According to a survey 60 percent are involved in organ transplantation , 20 percent child labour and 20 percent in which women are sold to other countries for their pleasure.
Human trafficking has been identified as the largest human rights violation in the history of mankind.  Traffickers frequently recruit victims through fraudulent advertisements promising  jobs as hostesses, domestics, or work in the agricultural industry. Trafficking victims of all kinds come from rural, suburban, and urban settings. These trafficking victims are kept under fear, abuse and psychological controls.
So I request you if you bring maids or any other worker at your home from any organization makesure that the organization is well established and the person should not be the victim of trafficking  and if you find anything suspicious rush to the near by police station as this can save lives of many people . Moreover help educate your family and children to avoid falling prey to traffickers.
Yours etc….
Mekhla Trisal
Gandhi Nagar,