Huge cache of arms recovered

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU: Acting on a specific information, Sohanda Rashtriya Rifles under Suigarh Sector of Delta Force launched a  swift and surgical joint search operation with J&K Police in Kindre Forest in Doda district and busted a cache. The battalion recovered a total number of five weapons and a huge cache of war like stores, which included AK 56 Rifle, Chinese Pistols, 303 Rifle, UBGL, two Hand  Grenades, AK  Magazines, Pistol Magazines, Radio Sets and Explosive material alongwith ammunition of UBGL, approximately 1131 Rounds of 7.62MM ammunition from  a natural cave hideout.

The Army had been getting information of suspicious unidentified movement of personnel in the general area for the last one month.   The recovered arms likely belong to the hardcore cadres of HM  of the area active in the past, and  hidden for  later  usage. The area due to its remoteness and rugged terrain makes it an ideal location for establishing a hideout.  The arms were well hidden and concealed in a natural cave of size approx six feet.

The recovery of war like stores was possible only due to the accurate intelligence developed by the Army and launching of well synchronized joint operation with police and SSB.  Apart from the four columns of Rashtriya Rifles, the team also included one ASI alongwith 10 Constables of JKP from  Gundo Police Station and  one Assistant Commandant, five constables of 42 Bn SSB Gundo.  The recovered arms and ammunition have been handed over to the Gundo, police.

The recovery of this  huge cache has given a major success to the Security Forces and a massive blow to the inimical elements of the area, aiming at revival  of militancy in Doda district.


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