How to Successfully Transport Food Over Long Distances ?

Foods are basically categorized into two: high-risk and low-risk foods. The transportation strategies of each of these categories of foods differ. While high-risk foods require extreme caution and care, low-risk foods, on the other hand, can be transported safely over long distances without any extra preservation and care.

High-risk foods are those which can become easily contaminated with bacteria due to moisture and nutrient content. They include foods like dairy products, meat, poultry, seafood, fruit salad, and goods containing eggs.

Low-risk foods, however, are those foods that are not easily contaminated by bacterial infections. They do not require refrigeration and are mostly dried foods. They include foods such as cereals, flour, confectioneries, sugar, dried biscuits, and uncooked grains.

This article would offer the necessary tips which would help you prevent food spoilage and successfully transport your high-risk food over long distances.

Things to consider when transporting foods

Below are tips and some storage processes you should consider when moving foods over long distances to avoid contamination and spoilage.


The degree of hotness or coldness of food is a very important factor to consider when transporting foods. High-risk foods must be adequately stored before and during transportation; those that require freezing must be kept frozen below 8oc and those that require heat must be kept hot above 63oc.

Maintaining this temperature while on transit used to be a bit difficult. Thankfully, technological advancements have enabled logistics and storage companies to develop insulated boxes for food delivery in order to assist with the effective preservation of transported foods.


Prior to the manufacturing of isothermal containers by companies such as Olivo, transported foods would often get contaminated or dehydrated before they reached their destinations. This contamination resulted in a reduction in the quality of the food.

To maintain the quality of foods that are transported over long distances, it is important to ensure that they are completely covered. When choosing a covering, look out for those that will not react chemically with the food. You might consider going for coverings such as containers, wraps, and foils.


No one wants to eat food that looks too greasy and unappealing. Tight covering at an adequate temperature can help foods retain their fresh appearance after transportation.

You could also maintain presentation by choosing food warming equipment often used in catering, otherwise known as chafers. To purchase the best equipment, consider its shapes, sizes, types, and accessories.


When transporting food, it is important you consider the cost of transportation for different logistics and transport companies. Comparing prices will help you choose the company with the best and most affordable service.

Saving money also includes purchasing insulating containers that help store your food to prevent you from losing them all to bacterial contamination and spoilage.


Food transportation is one sector that requires the most meticulousness. Unlike the transportation of other materials, certain factors need to be considered before food can be successfully transported. Failure to consider these factors and implement the necessary measures would result in food spoilage.