The use of air conditioning is poised to get increase dramatically over the next several few decades as global temperatures go up and income rises around the global world. Due to the rise in our incomes can really hike our desires to fulfill it to several extents. Air conditioners render us a cool climate to live up in a hot, sweaty summer. But this can cost our pocket full of cash, as our energy bill will be a pinnacle. Unfortunately, it’s the outcome of your ACs undercutting efficiency, effectiveness, and safety. They say, if you have badly maintained a system, then the chances of inhaling contaminated air are high. Cleaning and maintaining the system will punch out the money more.
More of it this summer, try these pocket-friendly tips and tricks to improve your air system and its efficiency.
Cooling your home apart from your Air Conditioner is a tricky and cost-effective thing to do. Here are a few mentioned:
- Regulate heat through windows
A lot of heat enters through windows during day time.Keeping your windows shut when the sun is at peak and covering it with drapes or blinds can help you to preserve the coolness of your home.
- Whole house fan
Installing a whole- house fan can keep your house in a flowing air area, allowing your house to be cool and composed. An attic- mounted fan pushes out hot air and draws cooler air in. This is a rapid exchange of Air, large fans can cool your home in around 3 minutes.
- Use daylight and high-efficiency light
Take advantage of natural light and avoid usage of LEDs and bulbs in your house. They produce heat at a certain rate which can affect your coolness in your house.
- Use light color drapes and blind
Using the right color of curtains or binds can help you beat the heat this summer. As dark color like black absorbs heat in great amount. Avoiding dark colors will work.
Today’s heat can be beaten up only by the coolness of AC. These days everyone prefers to own an AC so they don’t have to suffer in this sweating summer, but the exit of cash due to heavy energy bills can be a problematic situation.
Few tips can save your pockets:
- Seal the strange air leaks
Most of the standard energy-saving advice tells you to caulk your windows and seal your door. The problem with that is you must be ignoring some of the big caulk like, small pits in the corner, drilling holes or a hole in the kitchen ceiling that acts as a refrigerator’s wire vent. Look around in your area, crawl space, or basement, and you’ll find the worst offenders.
- Keep your system’s filter clean
Keeping your system’s filter clean can help you to inhale fresh air. The filter contains a lot of contaminated dust particles that can make you suffer from diseases. The dust gets accumulated and reduces the air flow. Keeping them clean can cut your energy use by anywhere from 5 to 15 percent.
- Get a digital and programmable thermostat
It’s a need for today’s AC system. Using this system can help you regulate the proper temperature from time to time. It will automatically control the temperature according to your room. This can help you save energy and manage your cooling without constantly hovering over the dial.
- Fix Fins
Realign bent or crushed fins with gentle brush pressure from a dinner knife. Don’t insert the knife more than ½ inch in.
- Is your AC the right size?
Getting the right size AC is the most important element in saving energy. If an AC unit is for a smaller space than you have, it will consume too much energy to cool the air, wear out more quickly and struggle to meet the demands of the thermostat.
- Checking on insulation
You can improve your AC’s efficiency by replacing damaged insulation around your outdoor AC lines.
- Deep clean with your brush
Scrub off the plate with a plastic bristle brush and foam cleanser.
- Solar panel attached to the system
Nowadays, it’s very common that system is coming attached to solar panel. The ACs which can work with the sun rays. It gets heated up and can start working.
- Usage of fans
You can use fans strategically to get off from the heat. While it isn’t that efficient as ACs but they can be a great supplement. Using fans at milder days can save up your energy at a huge rate.
You don’t have to spend lots of money on maintaining your air conditioner. Knowing about your systems different parts and running it efficiently can help you to achieve your goal.
They always say, increase in temperature is does not reduce the level of comfort. As per ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning engineers), the ideal temperature of comfort is between 23.5 degrees to 25.5 degrees in summer. Setting temperature at 24 degrees will save energy and gives you appropriate comfort in those sweaty days.
- Switch off fans
Saving electricity can be tough task but it’s an important task to reduce your energy bills. We can save our bills by switching off fans, LEDs, and lights when they are not in use.
- Go easy with the ACThe air-conditioner is the most powerful guzzler among household appliances. If you are planning to buy an AC, a BEE-rated model is a best choice. If the choice is between a split and window AC, the split makes more money sense as its efficiency is good. Also, look for an AC with a built-in inverter that will save more energy. Though more expensive, it consumes much less power.”
- Place the fridge rightA refrigerator consumes for 15% of a household’s total power consumption. You can make your fridge more efficiently by placing it in a way to allow air circulation around it. Keep it at least 2 inches away from the wall. Do not make it’s contact directly with sunlight.
Don’t fill your fridge full, there won’t be enough space for air to circulate inside, reducing the efficiency of the unit. Ice consumption can decrease the efficiency, so defrost regularly. - Reduce standby consumptionSwitching it off will not satisfy the amount of bills. If you don’t turn off the main switch the device is connected to, you will continue to pay for the standby power plug that is plugged in. Switch off the electric point for appliances which are not being used or are consuming so much energy. It is safer to unplug the cord. According to a report by government, standby power use in a household accounts for nearly 2% of power consumed.
- Analyse your billIf you think your electricity bill is rising too high, analyse it. Try to Detect the possible issues and take corrective measures. There are many online calculators that allow you to get a check. It gives you approximate figures to show how much you are paying for various appliances in the house. You could save so much in a year in electricity from Switching to 5 star from 1 star can save you a lot of money.
Air Conditioner with Inverter Technology
The inverter technology works like an accelerator. When compressor needs more power, it provides more power. Less power is needed when less power is offered. With this technology, the compressor is always on, but consumes less power or more power depending on the temperature of the coming air and the level set in the unit. The speed and power of the compressor is adjusted accordingly. This technology is developed in Japan. This technology is only available only in split air conditioners.
Infographics By: BEEINDIA
What are the benefits of Inverter Technology?
Every air conditioner is designed for a maximum hike load. Not all rooms are of same size. A regular air conditioner of 1.5ton capacity will run at peak requirement of power, when the compressor is running. An air conditioner with inverter technology will run continuously but will consume only required power to keep the temperature stable at the level desired. So, it automatically adjusts its capacity based on the requirement of the room. Thus, drawing less power and consuming lesser units of electricity and reducing the energy bills.
Air conditioner with Inverter Technology are adjustable, based on the room requirement, it is very important to install a right sized air conditioner in a room. You have to make sure that you evaluate the room and air conditioner capacity before you make your purchase.
Air conditioners are utilized when the temperature exceeds above 48 degrees Celsius, it also increases our energy bill. We tend to keep AC unit at low temperature thinking that it will cool as it is but that’s not how it plays his role. It needs a similar amount of energy and the right size of the unit to work properly. Above mentioned tips would work fine.
Depending on where people live and the size of their home, those savings could be hundreds or even thousands of cash per year. A nice chunk of change for most anybody. Be careful though not to simply use the money you save to buy more energy consuming devices or turn your AC down a few degrees thinking you can now be cooler while spending the same as you did before. This is known as Rebound Economics in energy and conservation economics.
Don’t set the temperature at low in hot, sweaty summer days. While you may think that makes the unit work faster, in actuality it doesn’t help, and even make it your electricity bill look heavier.