Dr.Varun Suthra
The most imperative but lesser known fact is that a few effortless changes in lifestyle and daily regime reduce the risk of falling prey to various ailments by almost 90 percent. Ayurveda is the most ancient discipline that makes us aware of such essential lifestyle components. Its distinction lies in principle of preserving healthiness. Following few simple regimen modules can save your time, energy and money, which you have to spend under compulsion that too without any bargain at chemist shops, hospitals or clinical laboratories.
Ayurveda widely classifies life into ‘Sukhayu’ and ‘Dukhayu’. An individual free from major ailments both physical and mental, living a satisfied and liberal life, enjoying youthfulness, full of energy would be considered having ‘Sukhayu’ whereas someone leading an ailing life, full of miseries and short of resources would fall under the ambit of ‘Dukhayu’. Every individual aspires for ‘Sukhayu’.
Most interestingly, Ayurveda is not just a discipline of medicine but an encyclopaedia of life which provides all solutions for elevating a ‘Dukhayu’ to ‘Sukhayu’ and countless researchbased Sutras’ and Shlokas have been dedicated for that, which are the outcome of rigorous researches of ancient seers (Acharyas) including Charaka, Sushruta, Vaghbhata, Nagarjuna, Chakrapani and many others.
To substantiate this fact, one most simple but imperative instruction from Ayurveda texts on ‘AharVidhi’, would be the best to reveal. Simply putting Ahar Vidhi means ‘How to Eat’, yes method of meals which is indispensable part of consuming food but majority of people make small mistakes here due to their ignorance which actually leads to big troubles later.
Ayurveda has very scientifically and systematically shown some very simple steps to be followed by any individual while having their meals irrespective of what you eat. Do remember How you eat is much more important than what you eat. Undoubtedly what you eat makes you what you are but how you eat is foremost thing to be taken care of.
Following these simple steps on methods of meal ensure mental and physical strength, strength of tissue elements (Dhatus), pleasure of senses, complexion, good voice, longevity, happiness, satisfaction, intellect, enthusiasm and memory.
Known as ‘Ahar-Vidhi’ the Sanskrit Sutra from Ayurveda describes method of meals in few steps:
“Ushanam Snigdham Matravat Jirna Viryavirudhe Ishta Deshe Ishtupkarne
Natidrutam Nativilambam Ajalpan Ahsan Tanmna AtmanamAbhisamikhye’
Ushnam: Food should be taken warm as it stimulates taste buds which is most essential to trigger a better digestion. It enhances the catalytic effect of digestive process, in Ayurveda terminology it’s called ‘Jathragni Pradipan’. Most importantly it leads the passing gas towards anus and that is most important for uninterrupted digestion and saves one from all gastric ailments. The Ayurveda terminology for the process is ” Vataanuloman’. Vata or Vayu is referred as air. Always say no to stale food.
Snigdham: Then food must have a balanced amount of ‘Snigdha’- something with oily properties. At times when Ayurveda formulations were conceived Butter, Ghee etc. were considered must for health but in the contemporary era one can use different oils or butters as per the body demands. A balanced amount of Snigdha provides strength to senses, builds up tissues and in improves complexion.
Matravat: Quantity or dosage is the third most important step that has to be decided carefully by an individual. Overeating or undereating both have adverse effects but meals taken in an appropriate quantity are easily digested and able to reach the anal opening without panic. It not only maintains the normal body temperature but also leads to a painless digestion.
Many young men and women are often seen doing rounds of many doctors for their skin troubles mostly for acne, but they hardly discover that trouble lies in their how to eat. They should understand the fact that most of the times their bad eating practices are major reason for troubles with their face and outer beauty.
Jirne: There should be a considerable span between two meals and the easiest measurement of the duration is going for next meal only when the previous meal is properly digested. Pure burps and a sense of lightness is sign of proper digestion.
Viryaavirudham: Going for right food combinations is again another very important step. There are many wrong combinations like sour items with milk, radish with curd, milk after garlic etc. are some very wrong combinations which must be avoided.
Ishta Deshe-Ishtaupakarnam: Meals should begin with grace in order to create a quiet, calm and respectful environment and should be eaten in quiet without distraction such as television, reading, reading or excessive conversation. It is the most widely discussed but hardly followed instruction. Involvement of mind is equally important in eating as the use of physical body.
Natidrutam-Naativilambam: Pace of eating again needs to be balanced neither one should eat rapid or in haste nor too sluggishly. Eating fast increases the threat of taking the impurities like hair easily in and would not allow the eater to enjoy the taste even. Whereas eating too slowly will lead to irregular digestion.
Ajalpan-Ahasan Tanmna: Avoid laughing or talking while eating. It has adverse effects on smooth digestion of food.
Atmanam Abhisamikhye: One must consume any food only in accordance with acceptability and adaptability of body.
Ironically parents nowadays are stressing kids to learn dance, skating, aerobics, acting etc. from very early stage and invest a lot but fail to teach this most basic principle of Ayurveda- How to eat, whichthey have themselves forgotten. Such an indispensable teaching which had been part of ancient wisdom and well taught in our kitchens few generations back from now is slowly waning.
Salutations to the Acharyas of Ayurveda who understood the significance of such vital facts and compiled all in Sutras for ensuring a quality life.