Thursday Oct 08-2015
Aries : Joining a yoga class will be a good decision. You should try ayurvedic foodstuffs too. You may expect a lot of new things to happen today. Ganesha advises you not to worry as there is a good amount of money coming up for you.
Taurus : Your monetary problems will continue to bother you, predicts Ganesha. You will not let small expenses get in the way of things. You may make money from different sources. If you stay independent, then you may generate wonderful results at the workplace, hopes Ganesha.
Gemini : It is not a good day to invest, or buy things like jewellery, real-estate, shares etc. You will feel a measure of loneliness today. You will probably catch yourself thinking about happenings in the past, which have no bearing upon your present, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will put your family members above everything else. You will plan the entire day keeping them in mind. Your family will respond in kind and will make you feel loved and blessed. Your rivals will acknowledge your accomplishments and abilities.
Leo : With your penchant for being almost surgical in your tasks, it seems there isn’t a single blunder that escapes your trained eye. This fact comes to the fore today and helps you step into the limelight, especially at work, where your efforts get noticed and appreciated. Wisdom always was the prerogative of the observant mind, and so was a bit of indulgence. Ganesha has this feeling that you are filled with the desire to splurge on electronic gadgets today. So, have you checked out the new release from Apple?
Virgo : You will be inclined towards increasing your fitness, and hence will switch to a better diet and exercise regimen. However, you may savour some delicious food today. Ganesha foretells that later today, you may find yourself at a turning point in life. A healthy bank balance will make you feel secure about the future.
Libra : “Good fences make good neighbours”, said Frost. It’s a good thing that you rubbish that idea, because you are all about making better friends with your neighbours and breaking down some walls today. The theological part of you continues to exert force through the evening. Also, money aspects seem brighter than usual for you, foresees Ganesha.
Scorpio : Your day will gravitate to being constructive today, predicts Ganesha. At work, your dedication will keep others on their toes; and you miles ahead. Marital bliss will be at its best. All in all, a colourful day, says Ganesha.
Sagittarius : You are in a mood to entertain your family and friends today, predicts Ganesha. Jovial and cheerful you, a family tour is on your mind. Meanwhile, you even decide to catch up on your work, and you may receive accolades for the work delivered. Ganesha truly showers his blessings on you today!
Capricorn : You don’t trust anyone easily, and because of that you have never entered into a partnership so far, but it is a different day today. Ganesha foresees a partnership for you today. You will perform exceptionally well in your job, raise the bar and eventually will win praises from everyone at work. If you are a student, you will choose the path for the future today, feels Ganesha.
Aquarius : You will plan your day well. Good, says Ganesha, as it does away with the clutter in your schedule. That way, you will also get more time to do stuff you never came around doing it. So, bring out your old Cliff Richard records, and wipe clean your dusty LP player. You may finally get to revive old times!
Pisces : Your powers of concentration and focus come to the fore. Your lucidity and eye for detail will save you from many a hassle that could have developed later on. The time that this will save your bosses and peers will bring you many accolades, says Ganesha.