
Thursday April 09-2015

Aries : Whip up some excitement in your life — put on your walking shoes and go explore some unknown destination, suggests Ganesha. Keep yourself busy, but take care not to overdo anything. Today, you will be the centre of attention in group activities.

Taurus : All is not likely to go well during this day says Ganesha. Though you will sail smoothly most of the day, problems are very likely to come up. At the professional level you are not likely to face obstacles or difficulties. Your relations with your parents turn awkward and unpleasant. You could be getting into a serious argument with them and thereby displease and disappoint them. You need to respect their views and wishes and if necessary tender sincere apologies, if necessary.

Gemini : Your health interests will take precedence over career, says Ganesha. There are indications that you will spare more time working out at a gym. Those in the field of marketing and advertising will have a fabulous time. A good marketing strategy will bring maximum profits with minimum efforts.

Cancer : Today, you are likely to experience something life-changing. A small incident, an observation, a tragedy, a disaster, or a simple thought may change the course of your live. You, however, may not be able to take the changes well. It may have a strong bearing on your health. You may spend a lot of time with your loved ones, says Ganesha.

Leo : Your passionate and emotional nature contributes in a big way to your sudden outbursts of emotions, says Ganesha. Today, your anger may erupt abruptly. This makes it very likely for you to get carried away irrespective of your surroundings and circumstances, both at work and at home. Ganesha warns you of the negative influence such blind anger may have on your plans and strategies.

Virgo : Stay clear of a coalition when it comes to business ventures, warns Ganesha. Alone, you can manage an entire stampede. By your own you are, by far, the best administrator of your department. Today, find yourself being the general and uniting people under your banner to achieve greater success, says Ganesha.

Libra : You will be drawn towards those of the opposite sex today says Ganesha. You will meet people who share the same wavelength that you do in the afternoon, and this will lead to a lot of interesting discussions. You will want to expand upon your knowledge of the world today and will be successful in your efforts.

Scorpio : “It’s a dream come true,” you may utter these words in surprise today, feels Ganesha. Your palatial home is ready or you may just get the keys of your much desired vehicle. You may have an extended celebration by receiving or giving gifts to your closed ones. However, make sure you do not make a hole in your pocket.

Sagittarius : No wonder, if you feel like you are stuck in a rut. Your energy level and enthusiasm has gone for a toss due to mundane routine. Unfortunately, your stars too seem to be lazy today, and there’s nothing on the cards that can cheer you up. Ganesha advises to let the day pass calmly and wait for a better tomorrow.

Capricorn : A good day always begins with a good start. It will be a good day for you today as you will start the day with a positive attitude to life, says Ganesha. Your unremitting dedication and determination will not only put you ahead of others, but will also help you get an edge over them. If tiffs with your life partner are rife, you can expect to a peaceful day, at least for today. But for those who have always been fortunate in this regard, your blissful married life will continue to bring you joy.

Aquarius : You are a polished diamond. Adversities come and go, yet you remain unruffled. Today, you manage to please your boss, and beloved, and that is a feat! It is yet another day of contentment. And in a cyclical process, this again rejuvenates you into giving your best, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Unexpected expenses are likely to crop up today. There are strong indications that you will set out upon a journey or a picnic to some nearby place, without too much prior planning. However, the journey will be comfortable and your travel plans will go off without a hitch. Even if you don’t undertake any travel today, you will find yourself poring over the memories of your earlier sojourns, says Ganesha.


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