
Aries : Today, you feel free and liberated! And in that spirit, you want to travel or do things you loved doing as a child. A good time for a family outing, says Ganesha. Keeping in mind your mood, you may even make plans for the future for your near and dear.

Taurus : You are likely to stick to basics instead of letting your imagination run wild today, says Ganesha. At work, you may feel some pressure from your peers to do things differently. Think things out and be certain before you take any decision, advises Ganesha.

Gemini : An auspicious day awaits you. You will pay more attention to your family than to your career or at the work-front. This will mean the resolution of some long pending issues and projects at home. An enjoyable time with your family and children awaits you, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says that this is good day to buy new house or car. It is likely that you shift to a new house shortly. So be prepared for a ceremony like housewarming. You will achieve tranquil mind through yoga and meditation. It will radiate a new energy, enthusiasm and optimism in you.

Leo : You will be in a very good mood today. You will inspire others to achieve substantial things in life. While you have been looking to take on an extremely challenging project, you have been unable to find the right opening so far. You ought to start such projects today, says Ganesha. The obstacles in your way will fade away on their own and you will be easily able to find the path to success.

Virgo : Today you will find yourself delving deep into your inner self. You will reap a lot of monetary rewards, and will be generous in spending it on your near and dear ones. Ganesha says that you may make up for the pressures at work by entertaining yourself with material pleasures. You will seek the company of someone with whom you can have an intimate chat.

Libra : Ganesha says that you will be able to spend more time with your friend circle. You will be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. In the evening today you will be able to take out your beloved for a romantic evening combined with a drive and dinner at a restaurant.

Scorpio : The grey strands on your head is not just a colour, but speaks about your experiences. Your wisdom will make you take appropriate decisions at work. Ganeshji warns you to stay away from courtrooms and legal issues, or the trap may leave a deep scar.

Sagittarius : Dressed to kill – this phrase is enough to describe you today, says Ganesha. Decked up from head to toe in chic attire and classy jewellery, you make a bold statement. Like a magnet, you will attract attention at a party. Don’t get surprised if your list of admirers becomes longer.

Capricorn : Your investments, inheritance, receipts, etc. will keep your packets filled with cash. No sooner you try to put them in safe; there will be more than one reason for some expenditure. Keeping a watch on incomes and expenses both will help you avoid any monetary problems, advises Ganesha. Your maturity, practicality and experience will come to your rescue today. Also, you may have to work your socks off today, but eventually all the hard work will be paid off.

Aquarius : Most of the time it is your way or no other way, especially when you charging towards your goal. Today, you will push your limits to achieve what you have desired. You are talented, hard working, creative, and icing on the cake is your luck which is favouring you big time. You are determined to succeed and you will take up the tried and tested route of hard work, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Sometimes you are so kind and charitable that you sacrifice your own well-being and happiness for the sake of others. This streak within you may emerge as you engage in a selfless deed. You will have a strong desire to do something for your family and your home. At work or business you will achieve your goals without any opposition, blesses Ganesha.