Aries : You will share wonderful moments with your beloved today. Go ahead and learn some musical instrument, suggests Ganesha: it’s a beautiful way to convey emotions. And it provides a perfect means to woo someone anew. Join a class before the mood wanes.

Taurus : This day could be full of surprises, mostly unpleasant, fears Ganesha. Nothing is likely to turn out as planned and expected. There will be sharp and sudden twist and turns, unexpected shocks and setbacks all day long. You will, however, with the grace and blessings of the Almighty, manage to stay steady and unruffled, and move ahead. By evening, this phase will pass. No serious damage will be done. Things will be back to normal.

Gemini : Your day will be spent indulging in activities that appeal to you. You may go out shopping with your family members, or go out to dinner with friends. A lesiurely, entertainment filled, fun day awaits you, says Ganesha.

Cancer : People will be stunned at the swift pace of your work. All your pending tasks and projects will fructify. But Ganesha counsels you not to do any-thing haphazardly or in any careless manner. Ganesha thinks you as an extraordinary orator.

Leo : Long forgotten relationships may be renewed today. Old acquaintances, room partners, hostel mates and the like may bump into you today. You will be in a happy mood as a result. Marital life will be blissful, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will be the flag-bearer for people around you, spreading hope and inspiration. Ganesha advises you to be the ideal family man today. By doing this you will radiate affection and love. This will, in turn, work remarkably in cultivating positive relationships.

Libra : Ganesha advises you not to take stress about small issues or matters. To avoid tension and to gain mental peace it is advised you perform yoga or meditation. There will be pressure put on you regarding certain matters at the work-front. You should take decisions regarding critical matters only after carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Scorpio : According to Ganesha, your family and friends top your priority list today. Life looks hunky dory on personal as well as professional front. Apart from business developments, romantic relations are on the bloom. And this is evident from your blushing cheeks. Creative indulgences may give a new dimension to your life!

Sagittarius : Your business is likely to scale new heights, says Ganesha. You need to build up your confidence and move ahead with zest and enthusiasm. Rake in the moolah as the business yield profits.

Capricorn : You will walk down the memory lane, cherish those lost moments and later on feel an urge to meet or contact old friends, says Ganesha. Expectations of your near and dear ones, however, may seem burdensome. You will still see the brighter side of everything, and spending quality time with your sweetheart will certainly re-energise your powers to deal with difficulties.

Aquarius : If the Almighty loads you with pain, He will also bless you with pleasure, assures Ganesha. You will begin the day with a long list of things to be done, but luckily you will be able finish them off one by one. It will drain you out, so later on the day take a hot water bath, sit back and relax, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You are not by nature ill-tempered or jealous. However, you will need to be on guard against being both, today. Someone may try to sully your image or slander your name today. However, the best way to deal with provocation is not to loose your temper and to continue as usual, for things will take care of themselves soon enough, says Ganesha.