Wednesday Sep 30-2020
Aries : If you are a gadget freak, today you will have enough opportunity to flaunt your knowledge and impress everyone else. Students with a scientific bent of mind will excel in studies. Ganesha advises housewives to experiment with their own recipes, and not to worry about the oven – it will not burst.
Taurus : This is not one of those easy and carefree days. You are in for a lot of mental anguish. The mental pressure you feel, you will realise, is of your own making. Unless you make radical changes in your basis outlook, mental tensions are likely to become an everyday affair. You need to face and accept things as they are. Try to be more realistic. Yoga and meditation are sure to help.
Gemini : You will be busy organising some religious function today or in visiting a place of religious significance. You will encounter expenses in religious and charitable work. However, you should guard against ignoring your daily work in pursuit of all these matters, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will win over people with the gift of the gab. Your rhetoric will prove beneficial to you. You may get into an argument or have friction with someone in the in-laws’ side. But keep your cool and face it bravely, so as to stave off mental depression.
Leo : You will need to keep from being agitated today. Let your spouse or business partner take critical decisions if you aren’t in the right frame of mind. Decisions you take today may have to be rethought of later. Important meetings will proceed smoothly, but you will not be able to commit to any final conclusions or contracts. Since it is not an auspicious day for you, postpone all important events, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Appreciate the things that people do and try your best to inspire them to achieve greater success, says Ganesha. Put on your thinking cap and contemplate seriously. Simply criticising others will only hurt you. Be as level-headed as you can and keep pegging on towards your targets.
Libra : Ganesha says you will try to gain knowledge in new topics today. You will feel enthusiasm and a feeling of positivity today. You will show more interest when talking with friends and this will make you come closer to them. There will be benefits to you from your life partner. You will be happy to be in the company of a close relative today. Ganesha says he will be with you always.
Scorpio : You are quite vocal about your ambitious plans, says Ganesha. But, being too harsh on yourself or others for that matter may spoil your relationships with many people. Stay away from lengthy discussions to avoid any conflicts.
Sagittarius : You will be your usual self today, frank and precise. You are all ears for what your life partner has to say. This will make them feel special! According to Ganesha, be patient and carry out your work gracefully.
Capricorn : You have been waiting to hear some good news for long, and today is the day when the wait will be finally over. With your eyes firmly set on your goal, you will develop likings for your work. This will help you make plans and take decisions for the future, feels Ganesha. You wished to change your current job, but with some good news coming in you may not wish for the same any more.
Aquarius : You will remember this day for the rest of of life as today you will make some important decisions and give a new direction to your life. You are in for a windfall and cherry on the cake will be all the recognition and rewards you get for your sincerity and hard work, predicts Ganesha. These positive vibes will help you make sure that you are on the right track.
Pisces : You will finally realize the worth of your resources today. You will take a decision to increase your savings and clamp down on unnecessary expenses. Your expenses are likely to increase temporarily. It is a good idea to invest in debt schemes today, says Ganesha.