
Saturday June 13-2020

Aries : You may want to tap your feet to a beat only you can hear. Life for you today is sunny. You’re able to take quick decisions, while other major ones may be kept on hold. Dance your way home, if that’s what pleases you, says Ganesha.

Taurus : You will wake up feeling adventurous today, says Ganesha. Experimentation and an unusual attitude will manifest itself in how you think today. Your subordinates may influence some of your decisions at work this afternoon. On the whole, you will take time to think things out before making any vital decisions, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini : Religious pursuits will take up a large chunk of your time today. You will incur expenses on religious rituals and charity work. You will find yourself going to a place of worship in search of peace and solitude, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says you will win over people with your oratory. So it will speed up your work. In the afternoon, you will get news of monetary gain in the office. Be on the guard, minor ailments may bother you, warns Ganesha.

Leo : So what is it that inspires people to jump off a mountain with nothing but a parachute on their back? Guess you are going to find the answer to that question today, if not literally, then at least metaphorically. Ganesha foresees that you will indulge and find delight in valorous deeds today. It is all about the adrenaline rush for you, even if it means taking spur-of-the-moment decisions on the home front. Keeping your current attitude in mind, it is a good idea to put on hold and delay some of those work and business related decisions. All in all, Ganesha wishes you a dynamic and energetic day. Just don’t forget the parachute, okay?

Virgo : You will end up spending the whole day at work today, making detailed plans for the future. While taking important decisions, Ganesha says, keep your partner informed. Whenever needed, also take the consent of your family to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. It will surprise you to receive the mature advise of your partner.

Libra : Ganesha says today you will wish to get away from the monotony of daily life and take a break from your work and go off on a vacation. This trip, which you will take, will be beneficial to you and will increase your knowledge and experience. You will find satisfaction and happiness in your personal relationship. In the evening time you will feel hurt by the speech or behavior of your loved ones

Scorpio : According to Ganesha, you may just be happy basking in the glory of successful business deals. Focus on your target and there’s lot more in store for you on the career front. Sometimes, it’s all right to pamper your beloved with precious gifts, and for this you may end up splurging today.

Sagittarius : Time is something that once spent can never be earned back, says Ganesha. The importance of time will dawn upon you today as you undertake the massive challenge of organising your life and planning your goals. At the workplace, you will put in a lot of effort, but may fall short of reaching a level that is expected of you.

Capricorn : Every venture is fraught with risks and accompanied by uncertainties, but if you have any inclination to start one of your own today, you won’t be in two minds about it, says Ganesha. For the professionals, the day may bring recognition and accolades. This aside, your innate talent and knack for completing work on time will earn you the respect and goodwill of your seniors.

Aquarius : You often live in illusion and lose track of reality. Don’t make unrealistic wishes otherwise you will badly get disappointed when you realise how the things are. Be happy with what you have, advises Ganesha. At work, you will have a smooth sailing as your colleagues will be supportive of your efforts.

Pisces : It is a day where you find yourself upbeat and optimistic about your future, says Ganesha. Your hopefulness spurs you on to splurge and indulge your spouse in the evening. Good times!


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