Friday Mar 30-2018
Aries : You are bristling with excitement about your work and relationships. In your workplace, you will impress other people to join your group. But Ganesha warns you to be cautious and think before taking any action, as things can backfire and you will have to bear the responsibility.
Taurus : Dark clouds may keep the sunshine from getting through to your window today, says Ganesha. Negative thoughts and apprehensions may cloud your judgement further. You will look to your family and friends to help you get past today. A loved one may play the pivotal role in changing your fortunes and your mood in the evening, predicts Ganesha.
Gemini : You will be in the mood to break free of the rut and routine of daily life today. Trying to keep up with numerous deadlines will keep you tense with worry. You will end up neglecting your familial duties in pursuit of work related activities. You need to find a balance between your responsibilities at work and at home, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You are honest and straightforward, and today will be no different. It’s just that you can be too straight at times, leaving those around you embarrassed. Early in the day, small things may bother you in a big way. You may get involved in big financial transactions. You will get due appreciation for your efforts at work.
Leo : Walk the talk, buddy! Well, what it actually means is that today, you will be just too good at communicating ideas and expressions. So if you are at work, then look forward to being assigned some investigative job that might just turn out to be quite demanding, says Ganesha. Just get through the day, because come evening, the real fun begins for you as you enamour the opposite sex with your incredible charm and appeal.
Virgo : Ganesha predicts that family matters will occupy most of your attention today. Your power of persuasion and your towering persona may help you get pending work done. Emotional issues may demand your attention as well, and you will handle them with practised ease. You will spend the night discussing intimate matters with your spouse.
Libra : Wear your best suit and put on your favourite tie, because today you shall be in the limelight at work. Watch your hard work and innate talents get their share of rewards. Also, expect the best possible assistance from your colleagues. The stars align themselves in a position to give you the maximum leverage possible and boost your reputation by leaps and bounds, says Ganesha. Just make sure that success does not go to your head. What goes around comes around!
Scorpio : The itch of love will spread like a rash today. Passion will set you ablaze, says Ganesha. At work, the course of things may shift to being better than before. However, in love relationships, cold logic will rule over intense emotions. But sweat not in the heat of love, and find the poignancy hidden within, advises Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Your colleagues will enjoy your flexible and positive attitude at work today, feels Ganesha. Polish your social skills and your smile, because today afternoon might turn out to be a carnival of people. Your evening may be more laid-back as you will find breathing space to relax with your loved ones.
Capricorn : Your despotic boss will be mighty impressed with your unique talent, and the fact that it contributed to the company earning accolades, says Ganesha. Colleagues will also be supportive of your endeavours, and will push you to go ahead with new assignments. But if you are too fried with your present job despite the newly acquired popularity, Ganesha warns you against taking hasty decisions.
Aquarius : Today, you will blow hot and cold. Hence, no one will know what to expect from you. This will throw your rivals off balance, keeping you a step ahead of them. At work, you will finally win recognition and respect. Ganesha wants you to be satisfied for now, and wait for a better tomorrow.
Pisces : In times of adversity, it is your loved ones who will stand you in good stead, and it is your patience and persistence which will get you home. Your actions today will demonstrate your dedication and sincerity to the job at hand, says Ganesha.