
Wednesday  Aug 23-2017

Aries : Your ability to let go things will reflect in your personal as well as your professional life. Today could be a significant day for you, and Ganesha advises you not to forget your special abilities. Make good use of them so that others too can benefit.

Taurus : You will be very sensitive about the image you project socially and professionally. Ganesha sees you treating this very seriously and doing everything you can to make this right impression. Today, you will remain decent, dignified and fosussed in all that you do. Do not be too eager to please others. Focus on your own interests and concerns. . Otherwise you could make mistakes and cut a sorry figure. Direct your energies towards meaningful ends. Deep reflection, self analysis will not be out of place.

Gemini : Today, your emotions will cloud your ability to reason. You may try to find a refuge in devotional and spiritual activities. A visit to a couple of religious places may help you restore your peace of mind. A laid-back mindset will work wonders for you today.

Cancer : Your social prestige will go up. People will praise your personality traits and try to emulate you. You will be a role model, too. Ganesha feels that this will be highly profitable day for you.

Leo : It is an important day for you. Everyone in the office will accept your capabilities and will praise you. You may incur expenses on entertainment and luxuries. Your financial difficulties will now be solved. It is better to have an eye on long term gains. A progressive day on the whole, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Opening up to your beloved about your whims and fancies as well as your goals shall be the key today. And, why not, urges Ganesha. Your intimate relations should be built on trust and mutual compatibility. Your energy levels will hit the sky. Make the most of this spurt by finishing in leftover mundane chores. Don’t forget to stick to social norms, though.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be getting good news from abroad, which will make you happy. Those of you who are searching for jobs will get good news coming your way. Ganesha says that you should not expect too much or you would feel dejected and disappointed when it is not met.

Scorpio : You might find your spirit sagging as worries cloud your thinking. Small things might probably bother you in a big way. Do not let them bog you down as life is all about mind over matter. As the day progresses, things will begin to look up. Take a break from the rigmarole if stress begins to take a toll on you, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Determined and dedicated, that’s what you are when it comes to work. Well, this may even find you amidst heaps of files and loads of work. No wonder you become a workaholic. You are likely to enjoy during the latter half of the day. Have a fun-filled evening!

Capricorn : Your interests are guarded by the Almighty, so don’t worry about them. Not that you are not ambitious, but you are satisfied with what you have and gained. You have set some realistic goals for yourself and you are making sincere efforts to achieve them. You are a simple person and you like your life to be uncomplicated. People around you will be impressed with your approach towards life, feels Ganesha.

Aquarius : Today, you will wish there were two of you! You are deluged with pending work, and even doubling up efforts will not seem enough. You may even cancel your movie date, deciding to deal with your sweetheart’s tantrums later. It’s your boss you are worried about, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Bright prospects will greet whatever new ventures you decide to focus on today, says Ganesha. It is a good time to implement your plans. Apart from short-term monetary gains, you may also find yourself pursuing activities which bring you intangible rewards, like goodwill for example.