Honouring meritorious students

This has reference to the news item’Altaf pleads for making academics politics -neutral'(DE, Sept29, 2017).The Minister for Education has rightly said that disrupting academics for serving political interests is like pushing the society into perpetual darkness.There is no doubt, that Education is a potent weapon of bringing social change.It removes the darkness of ignorance and leads a person to the light of knowledge.But many a time it so happens that the students are exploited by the vested interests for their petty interests and their valuable time and energy is wasted.
The students ought to realise that theirs is a precious time which is slipping from their hands like the grains of sand.Therefore, they should concentrate on their studies and resist the temptation of falling prey to the tricks and machinations of those who have their own axe to grind.
It is also heartening to read that the Minister presented Gold Medals and Certificates of Merit to the meritorious students from across the state who topped the classes 10th and 12th examination from 2011 to 2016.Honouring the meritorious students certainly helps in boosting the morale of the meritorious students and serves as inspiration for others to  emulate them. But such events ought to be organised  by the  School Education Department, JKBOSE etc and all the merit holders in the BOARD exams should be honoured.Last but not least, the Heads and teachers of the institutions which produced the merit holders and showed exceptional results also need to be commended.
Yours etc….
A Sharma


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