Higher Education Standard

Higher education sector in our country has to tackle two main issues; increasing the number of institutions of higher study, and providing high level of research study and learning in the universities so as to compete with any university of international reputation. “Why should our students seek to go to foreign universities”, asked the President in the course of his convocation address at SRM University in Chennai. There was a time in olden days when students from abroad came to Indian universities of Nalanda and Takhshashila (Taxila) to learn the sciences of those days. The President subtly remarked that admittedly the educational and research standard in our universities had suffered downslide and this needs to be arrested as early as possible. To be candid and honest, our higher educational institutions of enormous importance to research have been suffering from political interference. Our students have the potential of doing excellent research and contributing richly towards learning. This has been proved by our writers, thinkers, engineers and scientists. Why should have the standard of our universities fallen when far better infrastructure has been made available and the country is ready to give due recognition to research of highest standard. It is time that our universities and prestigious research institutions take the hint from President’s address and make it a point to raise the standard of research and studies in our educational institutions of higher learning comparable to the researches made in any leading university in the world.