High drama in Baramulla: cop kidnapped, rescued

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Sept 20: Police and Army in a joint operation this evening rescued a police man who was kidnapped from a market place in the North Kashmir town of Baramulla by some youth this afternoon. They have launched a massive operation to nab kidnappers.
The police constable Mushtaq Ahmad of IRP 14th Battalion was purchasing vegetable in Vegetable market in Baramulla town when he was kidnapped by some youth of the old town Baramulla.
The kidnappers of the policeman were demanding release of a most wanted stone pelter, Qaisar Qayoom Najjar in his exchange. Police sources said that Najjar was wanted by police in 13 cases and they were after him for past six months. He was arrested this morning from old town Baramulla during a police raid.
A police and Army party led by Additional Superintendent of Police Baramulla, Zubair Ahmad, who launched an operation succeeded in rescuing the police man in no time. When the rescue party went inside the old town Baramulla, the kidnappers were shifting the policeman from the premises of the temple where he was initially kept to some unknown place.
The kidnappers had kept the cop in the complex of an old temple in the old town and were shifting him. As they saw a police party they ran away leaving behind the cop whose hands were tied with rope.
Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), K Rajendra, rushed to Baramulla to oversee the rescue operation. Several companies of the police, CRPF and Army were on stand by to launch a massive operation in old town. The operation that was to be launched in the evening had to be suspended after the rescue party managed to rescue the cop.
Soon after the rescue operation, stone pelting youth attacked police and Army resulting in din dong battles between police and stone pelters in old town Baramulla that were on till late evening.
Police and Army have launched an operation to track down the kidnappers of the police man. An FIR 197/2012 was registered in the kidnapping of policeman.
Police have rounded up over 3 dozen youth from various places in Srinagar and North Kashmir district of Baramulla over the past few days after recent protests across Kashmir over the anti-Islam film.
Fearing trouble and protest over the anti-Islam film made by a US film maker, the Government has closed down all the education institutions across Kashmir valley tomorrow.
An official statement said here that the Director Colleges has ordered closure of all Government Degree Colleges of Kashmir Division on September 21. “The Director School Education, Kashmir, has also ordered that all the Government and private Schools of Kashmir valley shall remain closed tomorrow”, the statement added.
The security along Kashmir valley especially in the sensitive areas has been intensified to stop any violence in Kashmir valley after Friday prayers. The Government may impose restrictions in some sensitive area following protesters turning violent on Tuesday and setting ablaze a government vehicle outside the residence of Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand in Srinagar.
Meanwhile, the State Government today ordered suspension of downloading or uploading of content from all internet portals with regard to video/message/comments/excerpts of the blasphemous video, “Innocence of Muslims”.
The Home Department orders says: “In exercise of the powers conferred U/S 5(2) of the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir, in the interest of public safety and for maintaining public order, hereby directs that:- (i) All licensed Telecom Service Providers/ Internet Service Providers shall make arrangements to ensure that their subscribers/ customers/ clients in the State of Jammu and Kashmir should not be able to download or upload the contents with regard to film/message/comments/excerpts of the blasphemous video titled “Innocence of Muslims” or by any other name. If necessary, due to technical reasons, the Fully Qualified Domain Names shall be blocked viz www.youtube.com, www.facebook.com etc.,  (ii)They shall also ensure that the bulk  mails that are being generated from their subscribers/clients do not contain this file/ versions of this file and the content and in case of suspicion/ detection, the same shall be blocked and filtered.