Hero of Jhangar

This refers to the article ‘Tributes to hero of Jhangar” published in Daily Excelsior on 3rd July ,2019.
There is no doubt that Brig.Usman was the real saviour of Nowshera, a border town .His bravery and valour is remarkale in the history of india. He made supreme sacrifice for the sake of his soil in the crucial war during partition. His patriotism and heroism still inspires many young men to join and serve in defence forces .He became a role model for others for his patriotism, bravery and loyalty towards the nation . People of Nowshera will always be indebted to Brig. Usman for protecting and saving their lives from external aggression.
Being a Muslim by religion he rejected the invitation of then Pak Prime Minister to migrate to their nation and become chief of the army. In his cremation ceremony Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and other eminent personalities were present, as a mark of respect to his bravery and loyalty towards this nation. Stories of such heros of real life must be taught to youngsters for encouragement and inspiration.
Shyam Sudan