Excelsior Correspondent
BHADERWAH, July 12: To educate business community in general and small time traders in particular, HDFC Bank organised an awareness session on newly introduced Goods and Services Tax (GST), here today.
In the awareness-cum-interactive session, dozens of traders, contractors, suppliers and hoteliers from Bhaderwah town and its peripheral areas participated.
On the occasion Gayasul Haq, Commercial Tax Officer Doda was the chief guest and Senior Asstt Prof and HoD Business School Bhaderwah University Campus Dr Umesh Choudhary was the special invite while Branch Manager HDFC Bank Bhaderwah Rajesh Parihar presided over the function.
“The place for supply of commodity matters the most here as you are liable to pay 9 per cent each to Central and State Government in the form of CGST and SGST, if your transaction is intra-State. For inter-State you will pay only 18 per cent Integrated GST to the Centre”, said Gayasul Haq.
Branch Manager Rajesh Parihar unraveled the process further and discussed about attractive schemes launched by the Government.
Prof Umesh Choudhary said that the reverse mechanism will force unregistered businessmen to pay taxes, thus dragging them into organized sector.
Musarat Ali from Wholesale Banking Operations (WBO) Department gave complete information through power point presentation on GST.
Advocate Tafeem Qousar, Randeep Kotwal, Rishi Kumar, Rohit Sharma, and Amir Ganai were also present on the occasion.