Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 1: Registrar General of State High Court M K Hanjura today directed Principal District & Sessions Judges, who are also Registrars of the concerned districts to conduct a periodical check of the records maintained by the Sub-Registrars for the registration of the documents.
“It has been observed that in the matter of the registration of the documents under different categories, the Sub-Registrars, particularly the ones in the twin cities of Jammu and Srinagar and at other district headquarters, follow the procedure as thought expedient by each of them. In some places the procedure so adopted is not hassle free”, said the circular issued by the Registrar General.
“It takes days together for the parties to get the documents registered. In order to obviate the difficulties faced by each such party and to streamline the procedure for the registration of the documents, each Sub-Registrar shall entertain the documents for registration half an hour before the closure of the court on each preceding day”, the circular said, adding “he/she shall prepare a list thereof and forward the same to the concerned Principal District Judge for record. Each document entertained on the preceding day (including the ones received half an hour after the opening of the Court on that day), shall, if found in order, be registered on the next following working day”.
In no case, except on grounds that are very cogent and recorded, shall the registration of a document be extended by more than a day, the Registrar General said, adding “if on scrutiny it appear to the Sub Registrar that the document suffers from any deficiency and cannot be admitted to registration, the reasons shall be communicated to the party in writing”.
“Any deviation of this circular shall be viewed seriously”, the Registrar General said, adding “Principal District Judges (Registrars) shall conduct a periodical check of the records maintained by the Sub-Registrars for the registration of the documents. They shall also ensure the compliance of this circular by the Sub-Registrars working in the areas of their jurisdiction”.