Neeraj Dubey
Happiness in my opinion is finding good things in your life – right here, right now. Realizing you have wonderful things all around you. So many people live their life stuck on the idea they will only be happy once they have achieved this, that and the other thing. And when they do – they realize they aren´t happy after all. Because then they have new things to want. There´s no way they can put on a happy face – for real. They haven´t learned to like the wanting-part – the journey itself. Their mind is set on the idea they cannot be happy unless they have achieved something (or everything). They haven´t learned to find happiness in their journey towards the wanted thing. Some say happiness is elusive. I think otherwise. Happiness is an attitude. And as such you carry the keys to happiness with you where ever you go – it is all inside your own mind. You can learn that attitude of happiness if you so decide.
By finding things to appreciate here and now you flow easier with your life. Learn to appreciate your life first as it can bring almost magical results. I do believe like attracts like. And so finding happiness in the little things changes your mindset and you become like a magnet, drawing more good things into your life.
And once this starts happening, the don´t worry be happy-attitude becomes easier and easier to keep. One of the most important factors of happiness is finding something meaningful to do. I have to say singing a song and entertaining others is one of the most enjoyable things in my life. According to Leo F. Buscaglia “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”
Do not worry – Be happy, How’s that for a philosophy on life. Four simple words, one profound statement. What exactly, does worry get us? Think about it for a minute. What good comes from worry? idle worry, superficial worry, worry without any action. Does this do any good? To do something, “We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives.” Some worry is hard to avoid. Worrying about a spouse, a child, another loved one – for instance. These are worries out of love. These are difficult worries to overcome. Because they are rooted in love.
Some worries, though, are just idle worries. To live our lives, we may have good and bad things, worrying about any of this is not going to change this fact. Things will happen in your life that you cannot stop, but that’s no reason to shut out of the world. There is always a purpose for good and for the bad.
I have learned over the years that if I can’t turn the worry into something productive, it just needs to go away. Productive worry spurs me into doing something about it, if I am worried about my car breaking down; I take it in for a tune-up. Un-productive worry just paralyzes me. The energy we spend worrying is just not worth it, it takes a lot less energy to just let go or do something about it. In everyone’s life, problems are inevitable.
They happen all the time, to everyone. So to worry about your problems, before they actually happen is just a recipe for un-happiness.
Have you ever thought about what it is that could make you happy? Is it your actions, or is it your own perception?
May be it is time for you to consider the questions. I have an uncle who lives in our neighborhood. He is very optimistic and sees life in a very different way. He was born and raised in a very poor family but he persevered. Finally, he graduated and got his Masters in Psychology. He got a job as a psychologist because he wanted to help people.
To him, having the opportunity to help is happiness. In reality happiness depends on how you perceive it. However it is not wealth or power that makes you happy. After helping others, you will feel a great feeling of satisfaction that makes you happy. Being happy is not necessarily giving money to help others.
It is also doing good deeds that benefit society. It is the law of nature, more wealth; more power can let you to achieve more luxuries in life but would not make you a happy person.
On the other hand being poor would not stop you from being happy. Family togetherness also brings us happiness that is why we should always cherish our family members. Happiness is something that makes our lives meaningful and worth living. It is also something that lasts forever not just for the time being.
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile, just keep moving forward with a hopeful attitude and you will find that you can be happy.
The author conclude it with a quote “In every life you have some trouble, when you worry you make it double” Don’t Worry, Be Happy.
(The author is Sr. Faculty – GCET Jammu)