JAMMU: Minister for Agriculture Production, Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura today inaugurated State Level Inception Workshop on Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture for Rain Fed Farming Areas of J&K.
Two Blocks, Surisyar in Kashmir and Bhalwal in Jammu will be taken up for development in the Project Mode over a period of four years under the National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) at an estimated cost of Rs 25 crore.
The workshop was attended by the Financial Commissioner, Agriculture Production Department, Pramod Kumar Jain, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Dr O P Sharma, Director Agriculture Jammu, A K Malhotra, Director Extension SKUAST Jammu and other officers of Agriculture, Environment, Forest, NABARD, SKUAST-Kashmir, SKUAST Jammu and progressive farmers and field functionaries.
Addressing the distinguished gathering, the Minister for Agriculture said that more than 70 percent of the population of J&K is engaged in farming activities with small to marginal holdings. “Although they don’t contribute much to the phenomenon of climate change but are most vulnerable to its adverse effect,” he said.
The Minister said that we are facing many difficulties like floods, landslides, heavy rains and droughts resulting into heavy losses in agriculture production. Therefore it is the prime duty of the concerned departments and the research experts to address their concerns for sustained economic development, food security and livelihood.
Lauding the Agriculture Department and other concerned Organizations including NABARD and Climate Change Cell of the State, the Minister appreciated the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) prepared for timely implementation of Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture in rain fed farming areas of Surisyar and Bhalwal blocks.
Hanjura also called for preparing DPRs for other districts of the State so that their issues are also addressed.
Financial Commissioner, Agriculture said State Government is committed to implement the project in letter and spirit and hoped that the workshop will be helpful in taking decisions on appropriate cropping system management, resource conservation measures, recycling of farm wastes, baseline survey, vulnerability analysis, capacity building, soil health and judicious utilization of irrigation potential.