GSTWA deputation apprises CM of demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 13: A deputation of State Gaddi/Sippi Tribes Welfare Association (GSTWA) led by its president, Parveen Jaryal, today met Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti, and projected their demands.
The deputation apprised the CM that scholarship to the children of Gaddi/Sippi was stopped in 2007. Besides this, the deputation said that there are no hostel facilities for the poor, remote and far-flung children of Gaddi/Sippi tribe except the one at Udhampur, which is in bad condition.
There use to be Gujjar, Bakerwal and Gaddi/Sippi members in the development boards upto year 2000 but after that the practice of including them was stopped, which is sheer discrimination with poor tribes like Gaddi/Sippi .
The deputation stressed that till a Gaddi/Sippi Development Board is constituted, their members should be taken in tribal board or otherwise as independent members should be taken.
CM Mehbooba Mufti gave a patient hearing to the deputation and assured to consider their issues very sympathetically. MLA Bani, Jewan Lal was also part of the deputation.