GSLV-F09 carrying South Asia Communication Satellite lifts off

GSLV-F09 carrying South Asia Communication Satellite lifts off
GSLV-F09 carrying South Asia Communication Satellite lifts off

BENGALURU: India today successfully launched the South Asia Communication Satellite, fully funded by it and touted as an “invaluable gift” to its South Asian neighbours, that would provide communication and disaster support to the nations of the region.

Built by the Indian Space Research Organisation, its latest communication satellite GSAT-9 called SAS rode piggyback on the 50-m-tall rocket Geosynchronous Satellite  Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F09) with the indigenous cryogenic powering the Upper Stage.

The GSLV-F09 blasted off at 4:57 pm in clear weather from the second launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh and injected the GSAT-9 into the orbit in a flawless flight.

“Successful launch of South Asian Satellite is a historic moment. It opens up new horizons of engagement. This will also greatly benefit South Asia & our region’s progress,” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing the success of the launch.

The GSLV-F09 mission is the 11th flight of the GSLV.

With a lift off mass of 2230 kg, GSAT-9 is a Geostationary Communication Satellite providing various  communication applications in Ku-band with coverage over South Asian countries.

The satellite will enable a full range of services to  neighbours including the areas of telecommunication,  television, direct-to-home, VSATs, tele-education and  telemedicine.

It can also provide secure hotlines among the  participating nations, which will be useful for management of  disasters like earthquakes, cyclones, floods and tsunamis.