NEW DELHI: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Wednesday said the dynamics in the Rajya Sabha were different from that of the Lok Sabha and asserted that the government will have to answer their queries on the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, before they can expect support from the Maharashtra-based party.
The bill is scheduled to be tabled in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. The Sena, which supported the bill in the Lok Sabha, did a u-turn on Tuesday when its chief Uddhav Thackeray indicated that its support was conditional in the Upper House of Parliament.
“Lok Sabha numbers are different, the situation in the Rajya Sabha is different. The government has to reply to our queries. Votebank politics is not right. You are trying to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in the country yet again, leave it,” Raut said. (AGENCIES)