Union Minister for Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday said, 448 projects worth Rs 7.53 lakh crore are in different stages and added that the government is taking effective steps in the implementation of these rail projects.
A total of 51,165 km length of these projects, have been under taken and out of which 10,638 Km length has been commissioned with an expenditure of about Rs 2.14 lakh crore upto March, 2021 Vaishnaw said in a written reply during question hours in Rajya Sabha.
The Minister said 187 new line projects of 21,037 Kms length, costing Rs 4,05,916 crore, out of which commissioning of 2,621 Kms length has been achieved and expenditure of 1,05,591 crore has been incurred upto March, 2021.
Informing about the doubling projects, Minister said, 215 such projects of total length of 23,915 Kms is underway in the country.
Out of which commissioning of 4,430 Km length has been achieved and expenditure of `86,041 crore has been incurred upto March, 2021, he added.
On the Budget allocation, the Minister said, since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects.
The Average Annual Budget allocation in the Indian Railways for New Line, Gauge Conversion and Doubling works during 2014-19 has increased to 26,026 crore per year from 11,527 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 126 percent more than average annual budget outlay of 2009-14 he informed.
The Minister said the annual budget allocation for these Projects for Financial Year 2019-20 was 39,836 crore, which is 246 per cent more than the average annual budget allocation during 2009-14 and 43,626 crore in Financial Year 2020-21, which is 278 percent more than the average annual Budget allocation during 2009-14.
For Financial year 2021-22, highest-ever budget outlay of 52,398 crore has been provided for these works, which is 355 percent more than average annual budget outlay of 2009-14, he said. (UNI)