Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 26: Governor N.N. Vohra participated in the “National Consumer Day” celebration which was organized by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology, at General Zorawar Singh Auditorium, here today.
Governor emphasized the vital importance of sustained attention being devoted to protect the consumers rights in all spheres, including the right to food. In this context, he observed that the Food Department should ensure time bound Aadhar linkage of all ration cards and rationalization of the scale of rations for the beneficiaries living in the remote and difficult areas of the State. He noted that every problem faced by the consumers must be resolved on immediate basis.
Governor complimented Minister Zulfkar Ali and the Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs for achieving 97 % digitization of the department and for completing the process of weeding out ineligible households from the lists of valid beneficiaries.
Governor observed that we need to move towards a surveillance system which enables increasing involvement of the people in monitoring the Public Distribution System. He stressed the need to ensure transparency and accountability at all levels to ensure efficiency and problem free delivery of services to the 1.19 crore beneficiaries in the State, particularly those below the Poverty Line.
Appreciating the cultural presentations by the students of Government College for Women Gandhi Nagar, Government Medical College Jammu and artists of the Samooh Theatre, all of which related to the theme of Consumerism, Governor observed that in a welfare state like India it is the responsibility of the J&K Government to protect the rights of consumers.
Minister Choudhary Zulfkar Ali, in his address, highlighted the series of initiatives taken by his department for promoting people’s welfare and exhorted the people of the State to make full use of the law and aggressively assert their consumer rights.
Governor released “Towards Digital Revolution” a publication of the Department, its Annual Report and New Year Calendars of FCS&CA and Legal Metrology.
The welcome address was given by Mehraj-ud-Din, Commissioner of the Department while Ajay Nanda, Minister of State for Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs presented a formal vote of thanks.