JAMMU, Apr 6 : Governor N. N. Vohra today emphasized the need for greater coordination among the Universities of the State and extension agencies of the Government besides creating a corpus of scientists to share expertise and research findings and for convergence of initiatives to effectively meet the effects of climate change and take required measures for enhancing agri-productivity on sustainable basis.
The Governor was chairing the 7th University Council meeting of the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST), Jammu, at Raj Bhavan, here today.
The Governor, who is the Chancellor of the University, suggested that the larger objectives of the State would be far better served if the Vice Chancellors of all the Universities and major institutions of higher learning in J&K could establish effective coordination and carry through collaborative approaches in identified areas.
Reviewing the status of establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendras, the Governor called for making the Kendras as nodal points for transfer of agri-technology from the labs to land and dissemination of improved agricultural practices for the speedy growth of agriculture and each of its allied sectors.
He stressed the importance of ensuring the establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendras within envisaged time-lines, adding that if sustained coordinated efforts can be organized, there can be no difficulty in achieving a significantly high growth rate in agriculture production in the next 2-3 years. He also asked the University to propagate the model of integrated farming so that the small land holding farmers could achieve surpluses.
Referring to the vocational training courses being run by the Universities, the Governor stressed that the intake of youth for undergoing such short-term courses should be increased to enlarge their employability as also equipping them with necessary skills to set up their own ventures in the sectors like dairy, fish and poultry farming, food processing, vegetable and mushroom cultivation, apiculture, sericulture, etc.
To ensure against any further delay, the Governor urged the Agriculture Minister to early convene a meeting of all concerned authorities and arrive at an agreed approach to set up a multi-disciplinary Empowered Task Force for Water Management. The Governor advised that a similar Task Force approach could be adopted for the collection and analysis of all data relating to Agriculture and its allied sectors for evolving region, area and crop specific strategies for boosting production. He stressed the usefulness of drawing up a comprehensive Action Plan for transfer of requisite agricultural practices to enhance productivity and production of various crops in the rainfed areas of the State.
Minister for Horticulture and Floriculture Sham Lal Sharma put forth several suggestions for the growth of these sectors while as Minister for Agriculture, emphasized the need for greater coordination among the Farm Universities and the extension agencies of the Government for the growth of agriculture and its allied sectors in the State.
Aga Syed Ruhulla Mehdi, Minister for Animal and Sheep Husbandry, emphasized the need for running courses in Dairy Technology by the Farm Universities of the State.
Dr. B. Mishra, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST, Jammu, presented a detailed report on the status of teaching, research and extension activities undertaken by the University.
The meeting took stock of various research projects and other initiatives taken after the last meeting of the SKUAST, besides discussing other agenda items which included a review of the follow-up action in respect of various decisions taken in the last meeting.
The Council approved the two-tier Career Advancement Scheme for Non-Teaching employees of the University besides taking decisions on various other agenda items.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Tej Partap, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST, Kashmir; Dr. A. R. Trag, Vice Chancellor, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipore; M. I. Khandey, Principal Secretary, Finance; Navin Kumar Choudhary, Principal Secretary to the Governor; Shaleen Kabra, Commissioner/Secretary, Agriculture Production; and Dr. B. B. Gupta, Registrar, SKUAST, Jammu.