Governance deficit increases miseries of people: Bhalla

Senior Cong leader, Raman Bhalla interacting with people in Bahu Fort area of Jammu on Thursday.
Senior Cong leader, Raman Bhalla interacting with people in Bahu Fort area of Jammu on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 7: Accusing the PDP-BJP Coalition Government of having failed to address the problems of the people, former minister and senior Congress leader Raman Bhalla today said that since BJP-PDP joined hands, the miseries of the people of State have increased manifold.
While interacting with the people of   Bahu Fort area of  Gandhi Nagar constituency today,  former MLA said that two  and half years have passed but the Coalition Govt failed to fulfill the promises, be it the problems faced by the border residents, problems of the farmers, refugees or Kashmiri Pandits, this Government has done nothing to address those problems. He exhorted the people to defeat the communal and divisive forces who are posing threat to the secular fabric and the unity and integrity of the State and the country.
Bhalla alleged that the BJP has stabbed the people of Jammu in the back and violated the people mandate to join Government with PDP. The people of Jammu region had voted the BJP under the misguided notion that it will hold its ground firmly and would act as a watchdog of Jammu’s genuine interest but it stood exposed. He said that BJP-PDP Govt failed to perform and deliver good to the people. They are unable to face the wrath of the public. Now, to cover up their misdeeds and failures, they are trying to play dangerous game of exploiting religious sentiments of the people of both the communities and engineering communal tension across the State. He warned the people to understand their game plan of both the parties and maintain peace and communal harmony.
Congress leader  further alleged that PDP-BJP has failed to come up to the expectations of the masses in the State. He said that J&K is passing through the worst ever period since independence. If there is anything described as bad governance, the people of J&K had experienced it ‘and enough of it’  in the last more than two years, he added.
Bhalla appealed to the people of Jammu to understand the designs of BJP and show this party its place as they have compromised all the aspirations of the people of Jammu for the sake of power, setting aside the big public mandate.