Google to help people find vaccination centres

NEW DELHI: Google on Friday said it will start showing information related to vaccination centres on its various platforms like search, maps and Google Assistant.

Google, in a blogpost, said its teams have been working on surfacing “authoritative and timely information” for people asking vaccine-related questions.

“We have worked with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to amplify this science-based narrative around vaccination drive, and have been working closely with the Rapid Risk Response team at the MoHFW that is tracking misinformation using social media listening tools across region and languages, and countering it with science-based messaging on vaccines and pandemic response overall,” it said.

Shortly after the first phase of vaccinations commenced, Google had rolled out knowledge panels in Google Search that show up for queries relating to the COVID vaccine.

This was done to help people find credible information as these panels provided consolidated information such as details on the two vaccines, effectiveness, safety, distribution, side effects, among others and is available in English and eight Indian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, and Hindi). (AGENCIES)