Ram Rattan Sharma
Good governance in Panchayat administration is emerging as a key issue in the sphere of rural development as failure in the rural governing system will result in spread of corruption, in sufficient availability of basic services for the rural poor, and failure in tackling rural poverty. The rural administrative scenario of India especially the administration of Panchayati Raj institution across the nation is marked by both successful innovation and practices in public services delivery as well as number of pathetic performances. The weakness of accountability mechanism is an impediment to improving service delivery system for the rural poor in India. Bureaucratic complexities and procedures make it difficult for rural population as well as the civil society to navigate the system for timely and quality delivery of services.
Ensuring good governance in Panchayat administration in this regard will be the most efficient and effective measure where the functioning and administrative affairs of the Panchayat will be managed in a manner which is open, accountable, equitable and responsive to people’s needs. The issue of good governance in Panchayat administration is gradually emerging as a key issue in the sphere of rural development, because failure in the rural governance system will result into spread of corruption, and failure in the tackling rural poverty. On the other side, good governance will reduce corruption. The views of minorities will the taken in to account. The voices of the most vulnerable in society, will be heard in decision making and rural administration will be responsive to the project and further needs of the rural population. So that needs of rural good governance lie at heart of rural development action process. Panchayat being nearer to the people it serves, has every potential to act as a model administrative unit of rural good governance. For democracy to be truly empowering, it should be fully alive at the grassroots levels for ensuring rural development as well as eradication of rural poverty in a sustainable manner at the grass root level. If rural governance policy is not framed properly and rural Govt structures as well as peoples institutions are not setup properly, rural India will not be able to ensure a sustainable rural growth with equity and justice. The guest for effective governance, particularly at the grass root or village level, is one of the many challenges being faced by rural India. Establishing effective governance in the Panchayati Raj institution is also one of the best opportunities for shaping a vibrant future for rural India.
As majority of the elected members need to be sensitized about different facets of Panchayati Raj system, special training programmers must be organized in areas covered by the Panchayats. Special efforts must be made to undertake training and awareness campaigns for social Audit by Gram Sabhas. Simultaneously, the non-governmental organization and community based organization and the civil society organization should be given more space, support and encouragement to mobilize the local community in undertaking social audit. While social audit and governance control are necessary for making Panchayats accountable, promoting equal access resources and strengthening the political voice of the poor, the poorest and marginalized sections need to be empowered through participatory planning process, effective resources mobilization by Gram Panchayats through Tax and Non Tax measures. More efforts need to be made for enhancement in the ability of Panchayati Raj Institutions to develop campaign and communication system for awareness generation among rural communities regarding different developmental agendas and issues. There is need for more research work and study.