Geographical Indication granted for Kashmir carpets

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 3: The Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) today said the ‘Geographical Indication’ (GI) for Kashmir carpets has been granted by concerned authorities after ‘vigorous efforts’.
“In 2013, the KCCI created a society under the name and style ‘Meeras’ in order to be able to seek Geographical Indication (GI) registration for carpets manufactured in the State so as to establish its status and ensure its acceptance in the domestic and international market as a genuine quality Kashmir handmade product made of purest of the materials,” KCCI said in a statement issued here.
It continued: “The Geographical Indication is in fact a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or reputation that are due to that origin and in order to function as a Geographical Indication a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place. The process involves a series of tests to get Geographical Indication certification before the product goes into the market.”
It is after vigorous efforts KCCI, Indian Institute of Carpet Technology and ‘Meeras’ through series of meetings and continued follow up with concerned authorities the Geographical Indication for Kashmir carpet has been granted, the statement reads. “The chamber would accordingly advise and expect all the carpet manufacturers get Geographical Indication certification for their products before passing them on to various markets domestic / international for sale,” the statement reads at the end.