Free Jammu from Rohingiyas, Sena to Guv

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 2: Expressing concern over recent increase in the militant activities like Sunjwan, Jhajjar Kotli and Bus Stand attacks, Shiv Sena Bala Sahib Thackeray has held Kashmiri leaders especially Mehbooba Mufti responsible for all such attacks.
Addressing a press conference here today Shiv Sena Rashtriya Sangathak, Gulab Chand Dubey and State President, Dimpy Kohli said that well controlled situation was pushed to its worse situation by the PDP-BJP coalition in their tenure.
He further said the sympathetic attitude of Mehbooba towards Rohingiyas is also boosting their morale and shockingly this is also continuing even in President’s Rule.
Kohli further said the security agencies have also submitted that sleeper cell of terrorist groups have been activated in Jammu and some separatist leaders of Kashmir are trying to change the demography of Jammu.
“Shiv Sena will not let it happen at any cost,” he maintained.
Shiv Sena State General Secretary, Manish Sahni appealed to the Governor to take immediate and hard steps to make the Jammu Rohingiya free.