Reliable sources have revealed fraudulent traders conducting trade across the LoC through Salamabad-Chakothi trade route. Only duly registered traders with the Trade Facilitation Centre are authorized to conduct trade along this route. But reports are that some people have produced fake and fraudulent documents to hoodwink the authorities. Actually, it is the Directorate of Industries, Kashmir that maintains the roaster of registered traders. Of the 634 traders registered officially only 50 of them are conducting the trade regularly through this outlet. It is reported that Standard Operating Procedure has been violated when fake documents were produced. The Trade Facilitation Officer (TFO) Salamabad, when asked about these un-registered traders, admitted that there are mismatches between the list with the Directorate of Industries Office and TFO roaster.
It is hoped that the Directorate of Industries will look into the matter and conduct full investigation of how a grave irregularity has happened. Those who are found guilty of violating the rules should be brought to book. The Directorate has the complete and updates list of registered traders and it should not be difficult to identify the fraudulent people who should be punished under law.