Farooq, Omar want India, Pak to go ahead with talks

Excelsior Correspondent

BANIHAL, Sept 30: National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah and working president Omar Abdullah today urged the Indo-Pak leadership to isolate ‘ inimical forces with vested interest’ in both the countries and make new beginning to carry forward meaningful dialogue for heralding lasting peace in the region.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharief must ‘bury inimical elements who have developed vested interest in hostilities between the two nations’ and engage themselves in a renewed peace process”, Dr Abdullah said while addressing the party workers at Banihal this evening.
He said the two countries have no option but to talk in the larger interest of peace and freeing the people from shackles of hatred and mistrust. “Peace and friendly relations between India and Pakistan will enhance the quality of life of millions, who have paid dearly due to element of suspicion and hostilities over the years,” he added.
Omar Abdullah, while addressing the workers, expressed anguish over the distance maintained by the two Prime Ministers in New York, saying those vowing to herald a new era of peace and regional cooperation remained confined to  just waving their hands.
“They did not even shake hands”, he said, adding this is not a good omen for peace in the sub-continent.
During his brief address, Omar referred to political uncertainty prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir, saying the PDP and BJP were working on a definite agenda of weakening special status of the State.
“It appeared that the  coalition partners have already divided the State with PDP speaking something in Kashmir and BJP something different in Jammu”, he said, adding that the two Divisional Commissioners were also issuing different directions on similar policy matters. He decried the attempts of creating wedge between people of two regions for satiating their respective political constituencies, as a result of which the time tested regional unity has become a casualty.
Taking a jibe at PDP, Omar said those talking of “Goli Se Nahi Boli Se’ throttled the voice of people by imposing ban on internet and enforcing restrictions even during the festivals.
The NC leader said the coalition Government has failed on all fronts and to hide its failures, frivolous allegations like state coffers having been left empty were being levelled quite frequently. He asked the coalition partners to spell out the contours of empty coffers, as they were in the Government now for the past over seven months.
He said the coalition dispensation has no will to govern, as the tall claims and hollow promises made in the wake of Government formation about huge Central funding and special package for flood victims, which just proved to be hoax. “The flood sufferers have been left in lurch and deprived of even a single penny in the name of relief”, he said adding that whatever has been disbursed among them was during his Government.
He expressed concern over dilapidated condition of the utility services and said the power    arrears alone have swelled to over Rs 5,000 crores. He said the Government has nothing to offer to the people but can manage Rs 30 crores for procuring luxury cars for legislators and Ministers.
Omar said the Mufti Government has mastered in trumpeting falsehood by making people to believe that all was well. “But the situation is really alarming as the people are suffering the most”, he added.
He made a fervent appeal to the cadre to ensure massive membership, saying National Conference was the only party having presence in every nook and corner of the State. He said the party has now a vibrant unit in Leh, where its candidates are going to make a big mark in the ensuing Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council elections.
Earlier, NC general secretary Ali Mohammed Sagar also addressed the workers and emphasised the need for further strengthening the party at grass roots levels. He said that National Conference is a strong fort which has withstood test of times with fortitude.