Farooq Abdullah undergoes successful kidney transplant

SRINAGAR :  Former Union Minister Farooq Abdullah has undergone a successful kidney transplant in London, his son and Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Omar Abdullah said here.
A relieved Omar tweeted this morning “Dad and mum’s surgery was a success and the new kidney has started functioning.”
Omar, who could not be with his parents as they underwent the surgery because of ongoing elections, thanked people saying “my family joins me in thanking all of U for yr support & prayers.”
Abdullah, 77, has been in London for sometime now after his kidney had failed earlier this year. He underwent a surgery yesterday.
Omar, who voted yesterday, had tweeted “My thoughts are with my parents as they both prepare for surgery today. I wish I could be there with them but that wasn’t to be.”
President of the ruling National Conference, Abdullah could not campaign for his party during the ongoing Assembly election. (AGENCIES)