Farooq a sad case of tragic isolation: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public meeting at Dayala Chak on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public meeting at Dayala Chak on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Nov 19: Ridiculing the oft repeated statements of former Chief Minister and National Conference (NC) president, Dr Farooq Abdullah over Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) by justifying the control of Pakistan over Indian territory, Union Minister of State in PMO with Independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendera Singh today termed Farooq Abdullah as a ‘sad case of tragic isolation’.
Talking to reporters here on his visit to Hiranagar to inaugurate Dayala Chak road, the Union Minister said “the more Dr Abdullah will talk on this issue, the more he will get irrelevant and rejected by the masses”.
He said this way the NC leader was damaging the cause of his own party and treading the self defeating course. “It is unfortunate that he is being ill advised and there is no one in his party to guide him properly”, Dr Singh added.

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The Union Minister while expressing surprise over the statements of Dr Abdullah said “I could not understand what he is saying and perhaps he knows it better as I think this way he is making himself irrelevant in the politics”.
“There have been already protests in Jammu against his statement. The Bar Association, Jammu, has taken a serious exception to it and launched protest.  The entire civil society is opposing it. Even the Kashmiris have not taken him seriously and Pakistan also did not respond”, he added.
On the statement of Dr Abdullah asking Army chief to take care of war widows and stop war mongering, the Union Minister said that Indian Army is top among seven armies of the world and it is the duty of Army to take care of war widows and there is also a war widow organisation in Army which Dr Abdullah must know. “I don’t know who gives Dr Abdullah such advice”, he added.
Responding to a question about the killing of six Pakistani militants, including the nephew of Mumbai attack mastermind Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi, in an encounter in Bandipora district yesterday, Singh said this was the result of the “decisive initiative” taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Union Government.
Dr Jitendra Singh observed “what Pak has been doing over the years in Jammu and Kashmir is not a secret from any one. But it was always in denial mode. Now, the neighbouring country has been totally exposed and those countries in the world which were not accepting India’s view point on terrorism and involvement of Pakistan in terror operations have also started toeing the India’s line”, he added.
“But what has changed now in the past few months is that countries which were hesitant to accept India’s view point for reasons of their own, are now constrained to accept India’s viewpoint as far as terror and perpetration of terrorism from Pakistan soil is concerned. Pakistan also now feels constrained to no longer continue in denial mode,” he said.
He said “I have already stated that the terrorism is coming to an end and the days have gone when they (terrorists) were being called heroes as no body is now ready to support them”.
He said the credit for taking war against terrorism to a decisive phase goes to Narendra Modi Government which did not interfere in the working of security forces and gave them a free hand in their fight against terror.
“The free hand given to security forces to perform with professional freedom is behind such back to back successes. This is possibly the last phase of militancy in Kashmir,” he said.
The Union Minister said he had been saying for the last several months that this was the last phase of terrorism in the State but there were people who were not taking the statement seriously.
“The life span of any commander has been reduced to a few weeks – 10 to 15 weeks. Once a commander is appointed, the second is being kept ready to take over. The time has gone when they used to live for years,” he said.
He said it was for the first time in the last quarter of a century that there is a Government in place in New Delhi which is working on the principle of clarity, conviction and consistency and does not interfere with the professional work being done by security forces.
Lauding the local police, he said the manner in which the Special Operations Group performed is testimony to the fact that if given right opportunity without intimidation, the force is capable of doing wonders.
On the surrender of college student and footballer Majid Arshid, who had joined the LeT a week ago, Singh said the change was already there but it was just a veil of fear which was holding them back.
“Once the Modi Government decided to initiate decisive action, this veil of fear has been taken away and the boys and girls are feeling free enough to come forward and express their aspirations,” he said.
He said “what Pakistan was doing has never been a secret but what is different today is that the common man in Kashmir, particularly the youth, is now ready to join the mainstream development journey led by Modi.
“This change started actually two years ago and that is the reason today this year also we have 19 young boys and girls qualifying for the IITs”.
On Pakistan’s role in fomenting terror, Singh said that all the information was already available but it was only Pakistan that was in a denial mode.
The Union Minister said the Centre has taken note of reports about global terror group ISIS claiming an attack in the Kashmir Valley that left a police officer dead, adding that the future course of action would be adopted after taking an appropriate view.
“The Government has taken cognisance of inputs and the concerned agencies, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the security agencies, are taking an appropriate view and will adopt future course of action accordingly,” he said.
On the decision of Congress Party to elevate its national vice president, Rahul Gandhi as Party president after Gujarat elections, Dr Singh said earlier he was elevated after the defeat of party in 2014 elections from the post of general secretary to Vice president and now after the defeat of party in HP and Gujarat elections, he will be elevated from the post of vice president to president.
Later Dr Jitendra Singh laid the foundation of Dayala Chak-Kattal Gujran Da road at Dayala Chak. The 12 kilometers long road will be constructed at Rs 10 crore.
Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Dr Jitendra Singh highlighted various developmental projects started in the Kathua -Doda Constituency during the last three years of Narendra Modi Government.
He said for the first time Rs 2600 crore were sanctioned for the State roads under PMGSY and out of it Rs 1400 crore were earmarked for Kathua, Udhampu and Doda Parliamentary Constituency. He said earlier Rs 125 crore were sanctioned under CRF for the State and this time under Modi Government, Rs 1200 crore have been sanctioned which showed the commitment of BJP for the development of this border State, he added.
He said earlier there was delay in construction due to State Government being slow in making DPRs but now they are also working on war footing and all the projects will be completed under a time frame.
He made it clear that BJP is not for Government formation but its agenda is service to people and their upliftment.
On the occasion, Dr Jitendra Singh announced Rs 52 lakh for Sangwali tube well and Rs 25 lakh for other developmental works in the area.
He said that toilets in the border belt are being constructed with the support of some NGOs and Sulabh Shouchalya has earlier made survey that 1100 toilets are needed in border belt and out of it 200 have been constructed with the help of private organisation while another 200 are being constructed with the help of another private organisation by the efforts of MP.
The gathering was also addressed by MLA Hiranagar, Kuldeep Raj, district president BJP Prem Nath Dogra, BJP secretary Vijay Sharma and Janak Bharti another local leader. They all complimented Dr Jitendra Singh for taking keen interest in the development of his Constituency by brining many welfare projects for the people.