Excise sleuths seize 12 qtls of cigarettes at Lakhanpur

Vehicle seized by Excise sleuths at Lakhanpur smuggling cigarettes outside the State on Saturday.
Vehicle seized by Excise sleuths at Lakhanpur smuggling cigarettes outside the State on Saturday.

Penalty of Rs 5.28 lakh imposed

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Mar 9: The sleuths of Excise Department Toll Post, Lakhanpur today foiled a major attempt of tax evaders to smuggle a huge cache of cigarettes weighing 12 quintals outside the State being carried in vehicle number PB32C-7295.
A spokesman of the Excise Department said the vehicle was intercepted at the Export Weigh bridge of the Toll Post and a recovery of Rs 5,28,000 on account of Toll and penalty to be levied under Section 8 and 13 of J&K Levy of Toll Act , 1995 was made from the vehicle.
He said cigarettes attract Toll Tax at the rate of Rs 4000 per quintal and evaders tried to hoodwink the Toll authorities by declaring the goods as telephone goods which attract toll at a much lower rate of Rs 100/ per quintal.
This way they tried to save Rs 48000 as Toll Tax but the vigilant sleuths of Excise foiled their bid, the spokesman added.
He said the whole operation was supervised by Ashish Kumar Gupta, Deputy Excise Commissioner, Toll Post Lakhanpur and carried out by Excise and Taxation Officer , Sandeep Gupta along with team of Excise Inspector, Harish Chander, Sub Inspector, Ravi Kumar and Excise Guard, Mohammed Rafi.
Talat Parvez Rohella Excise Commissioner, has asked his staff to remain more vigilant and work with same zeal and enthusiasm in future also.