Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 30: Former Sarpanch Wakura B in Ganderbal district of Kashmir Valley, Hilal Ahmed Parra and inhabitants of the area have expressed grave concern over the unabated felling of green walnut trees in the area.
In a statement issued here, today, the former Sarpanch said that concerned authorities are mute spectators to this loot going on in the area. He said that felling of walnut trees is banned in Kashmir as they are the source of human prosperity but it is unfortunate that administration does not act against the mafia involved in felling of the walnut trees in the area.
In an appeal to District Development Commissioner, Ganderbal the ex Sarpanch and other prominent people of the locality have demanded a probe into the matter and punishment to those involved in this illegal act.
The people have also expressed concern over encroachment of land by land sharks including the cremation grounds of Kashmiri Pandits. They alleged that illegal mining is also going on in the area and sand and Bajri is being illegally extracted from water bodies affecting the flora and fauna in the area.
The people showed grave concern over the mining of soil from Kashchari land in the Wakura which was meant for grazing and fodder for the local cattle. The residents demanded that this practice be immediately stopped failing which they will be forced to come to streets.