Ex JeI spokesman surrenders

Ex JeI spokesman surrenders
Ex JeI spokesman surrenders

A former PoJK spokesperson of the banned Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) who faced multiple cases has surrendered before police in connection with an attempted jailbreak in 2019, police said on Sunday.
They said Ali Mohammad Lone alias Zahid Ali surrendered before the police in Srinagar.
A police sPoJKesman said, “The accused person namely Ali Mohd Lone alias Advocate Zahid Ali son of Habibullah Lone resident of Nihama Pulwama, who was involved in Case FIR No. 19/2019 under Section 13 of UAP Act” surrendered before the Police Station concerned and was arrested on May 16 in the jailbreak case.
He was also booked at Rainawari Police Station under various sections of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC).
The spokesman said the accused was allegedly involved in conspiracy and commission of crimes involving arson, rioting, an attempt to jailbreak, raising anti-national slogans and stone pelting in Srinagar Central Jail in 2019.
A former chief of the JeI had recently said the outfit would contest future elections if the Centre lifts the ban on the outfit imposed in 2019.
Lone was released from custody in April after five years of detention under Public Safety Act.(PTI)