Among as many as 20,000 Indian students stranded in Ukraine, there are nearly 300 from the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, mainly from Kashmir, studying in different educational institutions-mainly in various Medical Colleges. Looking to the sudden flare-up between Russia and Ukraine as a result of armed intervention by Russia due to host of reasons, thousands of people from different countries could not plan their return home as no one could anticipate hostilities to take place suddenly and with such intensity. As news continue to pour in from reliable sources, Russian troops have entered deep into the territories of Ukraine and are reported to be nearing the Presidential House. Although nearly 200 people are killed and as many injured in Ukraine as a fallout of Russian missile air strikes, yet there are no reports of any direct attack on civilians which should give a lot of relief to worrying parents about their dear ones studying in the troubled country and currently wanting early evacuation back home. Besides, all students are reported to be all safe .The central government having opened telephone lines and information channels with specific numbers which can be used by those students, who due to whatever reasons, have not been in a position to build a contact with parents so far, however, such a step is sufficiently indicating concern at appropriate government levels.
As of now, since Indian Embassy is all engrossed in finding an opportunity to arrange a safe evacuation of stranded Indian students should the closed air spaces and suspended airports operations get some early breakthrough of some sort of ”relaxation”, such students including those from the UT could, therefore, be flown back home. UT administration too is continuously and painstakingly seized of the matter and concerned officials are said to be in constant touch with the Ukraine Embassy in New Delhi. What is presently needed to be done by the students stranded there, is building a close rapport and understanding with the local people in respect of taking all possible safety measures and keep reasonably sufficient measure of food and water stocked for normal sustenance. It is easy to advise than to precisely predict and visualise a situation to live amidst missile strikes in many a place in the troubled Ukraine and seeing bellowing of smoke there-from coupled with all mess and uncertainty looming large about ‘what next’ to be seen. However, it is advisable under the present conditions for the stranded students to keep their morale up and increased levels of fortitude and try as best as possible and as many times during each passing day of strife and turmoil, to keep on establishing contacts with parents so that welfare and ”all well” continued to be exchanged which under the present conditions could best be thought of.